dictionary {
str50 FIPS "FIPS"
str40 GEOID "Geographic Identifier"
str244 NAME "Area Name"
str244 QName "Qualifying Name"
str244 STUSAB "State Postal Abbreviation"
str244 SUMLEV "Summary Level"
str244 GEOCOMP "Geographic Component"
str6 FILEID "File identification"
str244 LOGRECNO "Logical Record Number"
str1 US "US"
str1 REGION "Census Region"
str1 DIVISION "Census Division"
str2 STATECE "State (Census Code)"
str2 STATE "State (FIPS Code)"
str3 COUNTY "County of current residence"
str5 COUSUB "County Subdivision (FIPS)"
str5 PLACE "Place (FIPS Code)"
str7 PLACESE "Place (State FIPS + Place FIPS)"
str6 TRACT "Census Tract"
str1 BLKGRP "Block Group"
str5 CONCIT "Consolidated City"
str4 AIANHH "American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land (Census)
> "
str5 AIANHHFP "American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land (FIPS)
> "
str1 AIHHTLI "American Indian Trust Land/Hawaiian Home Land Indicator"
str3 AITSCE "American Indian Tribal Subdivision (Census)"
str5 AITS "American Indian Tribal Subdivision (FIPS)"
str5 ANRC "Alaska Native Regional Corporation (FIPS)"
str5 CBSA "Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Area"
str3 CSA "Combined Statistical Area"
str5 METDIV "Metropolitan Division"
str1 MACC "Metropolitan Area Central City"
str1 MEMI "Metropolitan/Micropolitan Indicator Flag"
str5 NECTA "New England City and Town Area"
str3 CNECTA "New England City and Town Area"
str5 NECTADIV "New England City and Town Area Division"
str5 UA "Urban Area"
str5 UACP "Urban Area Central Place"
str2 CDCURR "Current Congressional District ***"
str3 SLDU "State Legislative District Upper"
str3 SLDL "State Legislative District Lower"
str6 VTD "Voting District"
str3 ZCTA3 "ZIP Code Tabulation Area (3-digit)"
str5 ZCTA5 "5-digit ZIP Code Tabulation Area"
str2 SUBMCD "Subminor Civil Division (FIPS)"
str5 SDELM "State-School District (Elementary)"
str5 SDSEC "State-School District (Secondary)"
str5 SDUNI "State-School District (Unified)"
str1 UR "Urban/Rural"
str1 PCI "Principal City Indicator"
str6 TAZ "Traffic Analysis Zone"
str5 UGA "Urban Growth Area"
str6 BTTR "Tribal Tract"
str1 BTBG "Tribal Block Group"
str5 PUMA5 "Public Use Microdata Area - 5% File"
str5 PUMA1 "Public Use Microdata Area - 1% File"
long A00001_001 "Total Population"
long A12001_001 "Population 25 Years and Over:"
long A12001_002 "Population 25 Years and Over: Less than High School"
long A12001_003 "Population 25 Years and Over: High School Graduate (Includes Eq
> uivalency)"
long A12001_004 "Population 25 Years and Over: Some College"
long A12001_005 "Population 25 Years and Over: Bachelor's Degree"
long A12001_006 "Population 25 Years and Over: Master's Degree"
long A12001_007 "Population 25 Years and Over: Professional School Degree"
long A12001_008 "Population 25 Years and Over: Doctorate Degree"
double A14008_001 "Average Household Income (In 2019 Inflation Adjusted Dollars)
> "
(3,220 observations read)
variable FIPS was str50 now str5
variable GEOID was str40 now str12
variable NAME was str244 now str33
variable QName was str244 now str42
variable STUSAB was str244 now str2
variable SUMLEV was str244 now str3
variable GEOCOMP was str244 now str2
variable FILEID was str6 now str5
variable LOGRECNO was str244 now str7
variable STATECE was str2 now str1
variable COUSUB was str5 now str1
variable PLACE was str5 now str1
variable PLACESE was str7 now str1
variable TRACT was str6 now str1
variable CONCIT was str5 now str1
variable AIANHH was str4 now str1
variable AIANHHFP was str5 now str1
variable AITSCE was str3 now str1
variable AITS was str5 now str1
variable ANRC was str5 now str1
variable CBSA was str5 now str1
variable CSA was str3 now str1
variable METDIV was str5 now str1
variable NECTA was str5 now str1
variable CNECTA was str3 now str1
variable NECTADIV was str5 now str1
variable UA was str5 now str1
variable UACP was str5 now str1
variable CDCURR was str2 now str1
variable SLDU was str3 now str1
variable SLDL was str3 now str1
variable VTD was str6 now str1
variable ZCTA3 was str3 now str1
variable ZCTA5 was str5 now str1
variable SUBMCD was str2 now str1
variable SDELM was str5 now str1
variable SDSEC was str5 now str1
variable SDUNI was str5 now str1
variable TAZ was str6 now str1
variable UGA was str5 now str1
variable BTTR was str6 now str1
variable PUMA5 was str5 now str1
variable PUMA1 was str5 now str1
(5,052,180 bytes saved)